Title: | Multivariate Analysis and Visualization for Biological Data |
Description: | Code to support a systems biology research program from inception through publication. The methods focus on dimension reduction approaches to detect patterns in complex, multivariate experimental data and places an emphasis on informative visualizations. The goal for this project is to create a package that will evolve over time, thereby remaining relevant and reflective of current methods and techniques. As a result, we encourage suggested additions to the package, both methodological and graphical. |
Authors: | Samuel V. Scarpino |
Maintainer: | Samuel V. Scarpino <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3.0) |
Version: | 1.2.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-19 04:29:30 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/scarpino/multidimbio |
Code to support a systems biology research program from inception through publication. The methods focus on dimension reduction approaches to detect patterns in complex, multivariate experimental data and places an emphasis on informative visualizations. The goal for this project is to create a package that will evolve over time, thereby remaining relevant and reflective of current methods and techniques. As a result, we encourage suggested additions to the package, both methodological and graphical.
Package: | multiDimBio |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.2.2 |
Date: | 2020-04-09 |
License: | GPL 3.0 |
LazyLoad: | yes |
The datasets are: Nuclei, Groups, CondA, CondB, Scores, and Dyad
The main functions are: boxWhisker, completeData, F_select, intPlot, ldaPlot, loadings, meanCent, percentMax, permuteLDA, power, ppca_mdb, zTrans, binomPower, h2Estimate, and plotBinomPower.
Type ?<object> to learn more about these objects, e.g. ?Nuclei
Type ?<function> to see examples of the function's use, e.g. ?FSelect
Samuel V Scarpino Maintainer: Samuel V Scarpino <[email protected]>
Collyer M, Adams D. (2007) Analysis of Two - State Multivariate Phenotypic Change in Ecological Studies. Ecology: 88(3) 683 - 692.
Costanza M, Afifi A. (1979) Comparison of Stopping Rules in Forward Stepwise Discriminant Analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association: pp. 777 - 78
Crews D, Gillette R, Scarpino SV, Manikkam M, Savenkova MI, Skinner MK. (2012) Epigenetic Transgenerational Alterations to Stress Response in Brain Gene Networks and Behavior. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA: 109(23) 9143 - 9148.
Davies SW, Scarpino SV, Pongwarin T, Scott J, Matz MV. (2015) Estimating Trait Heritability in Highly Fecund Species. G3: Genes| Genomes| Genetics: 5(12) 2639 - 45.
Habbema J, Hermans J. (1977) Selection of Variables in Discriminant Analysis by F-Statistics and Error Rate. Technometrics: 19(4) 487 - 493.
Jennrich R. (1977) Stepwise discriminant analysis, volume 3. New York Wiley Sons.
Roweis S. (1997) EM algorithms for PCA and sensible PCA. Neural Inf. Proc. Syst.: 10 626 - 632.
Stacklies W, Redestig H, Scholz M, Walther D, Selbig J. (2007) pcaMethods - a Bioconductor package providing PCA methods for incomplete data. Bioinformatics: 23 1164 - 1167.
Troyanskaya O, Cantor M, Sherlock G, Brown P, Hastie T, Tibshirani R, Botstein D, Altman R. (2001) Missing value estimation methods for DNA microarrays. Bioinformatics: 17(6) 520 - 5252.
Performs a power analysis for estimating the heritability of a binomial trait. This function can take a long time to run if either nsims or nperms is large.
binomPower(ndads, mm, vv, tau2, nperms, nsims, nbins, alpha = 0.05, doPlot=FALSE)
binomPower(ndads, mm, vv, tau2, nperms, nsims, nbins, alpha = 0.05, doPlot=FALSE)
ndads |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of dads. |
mm |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the mean number of offspring per dad per bin (normal dist). mm must be less than vv. |
vv |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the variance in offspring per dad per bin (normal dist). vv. must be greater than mm. |
tau2 |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the dad effect (narrow-sense heritability ~ tau2/(tau2+(pi/sqrt(3))^2)). |
nperms |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of bootstrap permutations to use for caluclating a p value. |
nsims |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of simulations to run per parameter combination. |
nbins |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of bins, data are pooled before analysis. |
alpha |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the cutoff for significant p values. |
doPlot |
a (non-empty) logical value indicating whether to plot the results of the power analysis. |
Returns a list and an optional set of .pdfs (if doPlot==TRUE). The list contains:
roc |
a data.frame with the summarized results of the power analysis. |
params |
a numeric matrix with the paramater values. |
results |
a numeric matrix with the full results of the analysis. |
ndads <- c(9,18) mm <- 4.629634 vv <- 6.31339 tau2 <- c(0,0.5) nperms <- 2 nsims <- 2 nbins <- 3 doPlot <- TRUE binomPower(ndads,mm,vv,tau2,nperms,nsims,nbins,doPlot)
ndads <- c(9,18) mm <- 4.629634 vv <- 6.31339 tau2 <- c(0,0.5) nperms <- 2 nsims <- 2 nbins <- 3 doPlot <- TRUE binomPower(ndads,mm,vv,tau2,nperms,nsims,nbins,doPlot)
A function to create a box and whisker plot by group ID.
boxWhisker(data, groups, palette = "Paired")
boxWhisker(data, groups, palette = "Paired")
data |
a (non-empty) matrix of data values |
groups |
a (non-empty) vector of group IDs with length equal to the number of rows in data |
palette |
A color palette for plotting. The default is 'Paired.' See colorbrewer2.org for alternatives. |
Returns a box-whisker plot of the data by group ID.
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) boxWhisker(Nuclei, Groups) #changing the color palette boxWhisker(data = Nuclei, groups = Groups, palette = 'Set1')
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) boxWhisker(Nuclei, Groups) #changing the color palette boxWhisker(data = Nuclei, groups = Groups, palette = 'Set1')
This function imputes missing data using a probabilistic principle component analysis framework and is a wrapper around functions implemented in the pcaMethods package (Stacklies et al. 2007), was proposed by Troyanskaya et al 2001 and is based on methods developed in Roweis 1997.
completeData(data, n_pcs, cut.trait = 0.5, cut.ind = 0.5, show.test = TRUE)
completeData(data, n_pcs, cut.trait = 0.5, cut.ind = 0.5, show.test = TRUE)
data |
a (non-empty) numeric matrix of data values. |
n_pcs |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the desired number of principle component axes. |
cut.trait |
a number indicating the maximum proportion of missing traits before an individual is removed from data. A value of 1 will not remove any individuals and 0 will remove them all. |
cut.ind |
a number indicating the maximum proportion of individuals missing a trait score before that trait is removed from data. A value of 1 will not remove any traits and 0 will remove them all. |
show.test |
a logical statement indicating whether a diagnostic plot of the data imputation should be returned. |
Returns a list with two entries.
complete_dat |
an object of class matrix with missing values imputed using a probabilistic principle component framework. |
plots |
a list of plots stored as grid plots. |
Roweis S (1997). EM algorithms for PCA and sensible PCA. Neural Inf. Proc. Syst., 10, 626 - 632.
Stacklies W, Redestig H, Scholz M, Walther D, Selbig J (2007). pcaMethods - a Bioconductor package providing PCA methods for incomplete data. Bioinformatics, 23, 1164 - 1167.
Troyanskaya O, Cantor M, Sherlock G, Brown P, Hastie T, Tibshirani R, Botstein D, Altman R (2001). Missing value estimation methods for DNA microarrays. Bioinformatics, 17(6), 520 - 5252.
data(Nuclei) npcs<-floor(ncol(Nuclei)/5) length(which(is.na(Nuclei))==TRUE) dat.comp<-completeData(data = Nuclei, n_pcs = npcs) length(which(is.na(dat.comp))==TRUE)
data(Nuclei) npcs<-floor(ncol(Nuclei)/5) length(which(is.na(Nuclei))==TRUE) dat.comp<-completeData(data = Nuclei, n_pcs = npcs) length(which(is.na(dat.comp))==TRUE)
Animals measured in the Nuclei data set were either from linneages exposed to the fungicide Vinclozolin (Vinclozolin) or not (Control).
A factor vector indicating which treatment group the individuals in Nuclei belong to.
The data are provided courtesy of David Crews at the University of Texas at Austin.
Crews, D, R Gillette, SV Scarpino, M Manikkam, MI Savenkova, MK Skinner. 2012. Epigenetic Transgenerational Alterations to Stress Response in Brain Gene Networks and Behavior. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109 (23). 9143 - 9148.
Animals measured in the Nuclei data set were either subjected to chronic restraint stress (stress) or not (control).
A factor vector indicating which stress group the individuals in Nuclei belong to.
The data are provided courtesy of David Crews at the University of Texas at Austin.
Crews, D, R Gillette, SV Scarpino, M Manikkam, MI Savenkova, MK Skinner. 2012. Epigenetic Transgenerational Alterations to Stress Response in Brain Gene Networks and Behavior. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109 (23). 9143 - 9148.
Animals measured in the Nuclei data set were housed in dyads with one individual from the Vinclozolin line and one from the control line housed together. Each dyad was either stressed or not stressed.
A factor vector indicating which housing dyad the individuals in Nuclei are in.
The data are provided courtesy of David Crews at the University of Texas at Austin.
Crews, D, R Gillette, SV Scarpino, M Manikkam, MI Savenkova, MK Skinner. 2012. Epigenetic Transgenerational Alterations to Stress Response in Brain Gene Networks and Behavior. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109 (23). 9143 - 9148.
Select data using a F tests
FSelect(Data, Group, target, p.adj.method = "holm", Missing.Data = "Complete")
FSelect(Data, Group, target, p.adj.method = "holm", Missing.Data = "Complete")
Data |
A (non-empty), numeric matrix of data values |
Group |
A (non-empty), vector indicating group membership. Length(unique(Group))==2 |
target |
The number of desired traits. Target cannot be greater than the number of columns in Data |
p.adj.method |
The method used to control for false discovery. The default setting is 'holm' |
Missing.Data |
The method used to handle missing data. The default, 'Complete' will use completeData to impute missing data, setting Missing.Data='Remove' will remove all individuals with missing data. FSelect cannot handle missing data. |
FSelect returns list containing at least the following components:
Selected |
An ordered list indicating which columns were selected. |
F.Selected |
An ordered list containing the F statistics for each column indicated in Selected. |
PrF |
An ordered list containing the p values for each column indicated in Selected. |
PrNotes |
A string indicating which method was used to control for multiple comparisons |
model |
An lm object with the final model results. |
Costanza M, Afifi A (1979). Comparison of Stopping Rules in Forward Stepwise Discriminant Analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, pp. 777 - 78
Habbema J, Hermans J (1977). Selection of Variables in Discriminant Analysis by F - Statistics and Error Rate. Technometrics, 19(4), 487 - 493.
Jennrich R (1977). Stepwise discriminant analysis, volume 3. New York Wiley Sons.
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) npcs<-floor(ncol(Nuclei)/5) dat.comp <- completeData(data = Nuclei, n_pcs = npcs) groups.use <- c(1,2) use.dat <- which(Groups==groups.use[1]|Groups==groups.use[2]) dat.use <- Nuclei[use.dat,] GR.use <- Groups[use.dat] #not run #FSelect(DAT.use,GR.use,3)
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) npcs<-floor(ncol(Nuclei)/5) dat.comp <- completeData(data = Nuclei, n_pcs = npcs) groups.use <- c(1,2) use.dat <- which(Groups==groups.use[1]|Groups==groups.use[2]) dat.use <- Nuclei[use.dat,] GR.use <- Groups[use.dat] #not run #FSelect(DAT.use,GR.use,3)
Simulates p values.
getP(ndads, mm, vv, tau2, nperms, nsims, nbins)
getP(ndads, mm, vv, tau2, nperms, nsims, nbins)
ndads |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of dads. |
mm |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the mean number of offspring per dad per bin (normal dist). mm must be less than vv. |
vv |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the variance in offspring per dad per bin (normal dist). vv must be greater than mm. |
tau2 |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the dad effect (narrow-sense heritability ~ tau2/(tau2+(pi/sqrt(3))^2)). |
nperms |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of bootstrap permutations to use for caluclating a p value. |
nsims |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of simulations to run per parameter combination. |
nbins |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of bins, data are pooled before analysis. |
Returns a vector of simulated p values. The list contains:
ndads <- c(9,18) mm <- 4.629634 vv <- 6.31339 tau2 <- c(0,0.5) nperms <- 2 nsims <- 2 nbins <- 3 getP(ndads, mm, vv, tau2, nperms, nsims, nbins)
ndads <- c(9,18) mm <- 4.629634 vv <- 6.31339 tau2 <- c(0,0.5) nperms <- 2 nsims <- 2 nbins <- 3 getP(ndads, mm, vv, tau2, nperms, nsims, nbins)
Animals measured in the Nuclei data set belong to one of four groups determined by their linneage (Vinclozolin or Control) and their stress treatment (Stressed or Non-Stressed).
A factor vector indicating which group the individuals in Nuclei are in.
The data are provided courtesy of David Crews at the University of Texas at Austin.
Crews, D, R Gillette, SV Scarpino, M Manikkam, MI Savenkova, MK Skinner. 2012. Epigenetic Transgenerational Alterations to Stress Response in Brain Gene Networks and Behavior. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109 (23). 9143 - 9148.
Estimates the narrow-sense heritability of a binomial trait and calculates a p value by randomization.
data |
a (non-empty) numeric matrix with three columns. The first two should contain the trait data (number of occurances of each outcome type) and the third should contain the group ids. |
nreps |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of resamples to perform when calculating the emperical p value. |
Estimates the narrow-sense heritability of a binomial trait. This function works by fitting two models, one with and one without a random-effect of sire. These models are compared by randomizing the sire ids nreps times and re-fitting the model. For each of the nreps model pairs, a deviance is calculated and a "p value" estimated by comparing that distribution of deviance to the observed. The heritability is approximatly tau2/(tau2+(pi/sqrt(3))^2), where tau2 is the random-effect variance due to sire.
Returns a list. The list contains:
h2 |
The estimated narrow-sense heritability. The narrow-sense heritability is approximatly tau2/(tau2+(pi/sqrt(3))^2), where tau2 is the random-effect variance due to sire. |
pval |
The probability that the best-fit model includes an extra variance term for sire (random effect of dad). The value is calculated by comparing the deviances from nreps number of randomized model comparisions. |
deviance |
The deviance between a null model without a random effect of dad and a model with. |
sim |
The simulated deviances used in calculating the p value in pval. |
obsMod |
The glmer model object resulting from the observed data. |
#non-zero heritability ndads <- 18 mm <- 4 vv <- 6 tau2 <- 2.5 nbins <- 3 mylogit <- function(x) log(x/{1-x}) ilogit <- function(x) 1/{1+exp(-x)} swimprob <- ilogit(rnorm(ndads, 0, sqrt(tau2))) mytable <- NULL for(i in 1:ndads) { bincounts <- pmax(1,rnbinom(nbins, mu = mm, size = mm^2/{vv-mm})) swim <- rbinom(3, bincounts,swimprob[i]) set <- bincounts - swim theserows <- data.frame(set=set,swim=swim, Dad = i, Bin = 1:nbins) mytable <- rbind(mytable, theserows) } est <- h2Estimate(mytable,nreps=10) print(est$h2) #zero heritability ndads <- 18 mm <- 4 vv <- 6 tau2 <- 0 nbins <- 3 mylogit <- function(x) log(x/{1-x}) ilogit <- function(x) 1/{1+exp(-x)} swimprob <- ilogit(rnorm(ndads, 0, sqrt(tau2))) mytable0 <- NULL for(i in 1:ndads) { bincounts <- pmax(1,rnbinom(nbins, mu = mm, size = mm^2/{vv-mm})) swim <- rbinom(3, bincounts,swimprob[i]) set <- bincounts - swim theserows <- data.frame(set=set,swim=swim, Dad = i, Bin = 1:nbins) mytable0 <- rbind(mytable0, theserows) } est0 <- h2Estimate(mytable0,nreps=10) print(est0$h2)
#non-zero heritability ndads <- 18 mm <- 4 vv <- 6 tau2 <- 2.5 nbins <- 3 mylogit <- function(x) log(x/{1-x}) ilogit <- function(x) 1/{1+exp(-x)} swimprob <- ilogit(rnorm(ndads, 0, sqrt(tau2))) mytable <- NULL for(i in 1:ndads) { bincounts <- pmax(1,rnbinom(nbins, mu = mm, size = mm^2/{vv-mm})) swim <- rbinom(3, bincounts,swimprob[i]) set <- bincounts - swim theserows <- data.frame(set=set,swim=swim, Dad = i, Bin = 1:nbins) mytable <- rbind(mytable, theserows) } est <- h2Estimate(mytable,nreps=10) print(est$h2) #zero heritability ndads <- 18 mm <- 4 vv <- 6 tau2 <- 0 nbins <- 3 mylogit <- function(x) log(x/{1-x}) ilogit <- function(x) 1/{1+exp(-x)} swimprob <- ilogit(rnorm(ndads, 0, sqrt(tau2))) mytable0 <- NULL for(i in 1:ndads) { bincounts <- pmax(1,rnbinom(nbins, mu = mm, size = mm^2/{vv-mm})) swim <- rbinom(3, bincounts,swimprob[i]) set <- bincounts - swim theserows <- data.frame(set=set,swim=swim, Dad = i, Bin = 1:nbins) mytable0 <- rbind(mytable0, theserows) } est0 <- h2Estimate(mytable0,nreps=10) print(est0$h2)
The function produces an interaction plot to demonstrate the results of a MANOVA using the function interaction.plot.
IntPlot(Scores, Cov.A, Cov.B, pvalues = rep(1, 8), int.pvalues = rep(1, 4))
IntPlot(Scores, Cov.A, Cov.B, pvalues = rep(1, 8), int.pvalues = rep(1, 4))
Scores |
A (non-empty) numeric matrix of principle component scores or raw data. |
Cov.A |
A (non-empty) bivariate factor vector indicating the factor for each row in Scores |
Cov.B |
A (non-empty) bivariate factor vector indicating the factor for each row in Scores |
pvalues |
An optional vector of p values for each covariate across Scores. The length of pvalues must equal the number of columns in Scores times 2. |
int.pvalues |
An optional vector of p values for each interaction. The length of int.pvalues must equal the number of columns in Scores. |
a list of plots stored as grid plots.
data(Scores) data(CondA) data(CondB) pvals<-c(0.03,0.6,0.05,0.07,0.9,0.2,0.5,0.3) int.pvals<-c(0.3,0.45,0.5,0.12) IntPlot(Scores,CondA,CondB,pvalues=pvals, int.pvalues=int.pvals)
data(Scores) data(CondA) data(CondB) pvals<-c(0.03,0.6,0.05,0.07,0.9,0.2,0.5,0.3) int.pvals<-c(0.3,0.45,0.5,0.12) IntPlot(Scores,CondA,CondB,pvalues=pvals, int.pvalues=int.pvals)
This function plots a three-dimensional landscape of measured traits. The peak heights are relative with respect to the input data. The width of each peak is controlled by the argument sigma and has only an aesthetic purpose. The 3D image is generated using the drawScene
and surfaceTriangles
LandscapePlot(Data, Groups=NULL, PDF=FALSE,LocPlot=FALSE,control=c(75,1,30))
LandscapePlot(Data, Groups=NULL, PDF=FALSE,LocPlot=FALSE,control=c(75,1,30))
Data |
A (non-empty) numeric matrix with trait values |
Groups |
A (non-empty)factor vector indicating the group membership of each row in Data. If there is only a single group present in Data then Groups=NULL (default). |
Logical controlling whether to output the results as a .pdf or a .jpeg. The default (PDF=FALSE) will produce a .jpeg. The file size for .pdf output can be large. |
LocPlot |
Logical controlling whether to output a .pdf naming the peaks according to the columns they represent. The defaul is FALSE. |
control |
An optional numeric vector setting the control parameters for persp. control[1] = theta, control[2] = r, control[3] = phi |
a list of plots stored as grid plots (or.pdf if PDF=TRUE) file for each column in data.
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) #plotting the first six columns #not run #LandscapePlot(Nuclei[,1:6], Groups=Groups)
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) #plotting the first six columns #not run #LandscapePlot(Nuclei[,1:6], Groups=Groups)
The function takes as input the traits and group IDs and will perform a discriminate function analysis and visualize the results. For the pair-wise comparison of groups we use density histograms with points along the x-axis denoting the actual data, Figure 3 For multi-group comparisons we plot a bivariate scatter for all pairwise combinations of discriminate axes. The color of plotting symbols can be altered using the palette argument and the axes comparisons (with max n = number of groups - 1).
ldaPlot(Data, Groups, palette = "BrBG", axes = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3))
ldaPlot(Data, Groups, palette = "BrBG", axes = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3))
Data |
A (non-empty), numeric matrix of data values |
Groups |
A (non-empty), vector indicating group membership. Length(unique(Group))==2 |
palette |
A color palette for plotting. The default is 'Paired.' See colorbrewer2.org for alternatives. |
axes |
A numeric vector describing which axes to compare. For example, axes=c(1,2) will on produce a single plot comparing the first and second axis. |
Returns a list of ggplot2 plots.
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) ldaPlot(Nuclei, Groups, palette='BrBG', axes=c(1,2,2,3,1,3))
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) ldaPlot(Nuclei, Groups, palette='BrBG', axes=c(1,2,2,3,1,3))
This function produces barplots representative of the contribution of a particular trait or variable to either a discriminant function or principle component axis.
Loadings(DATA, GROUPS, method = c("PCA", "LDA"))
Loadings(DATA, GROUPS, method = c("PCA", "LDA"))
A (non-empty) numeric matrix with trait values |
A (non-empty)factor vector indicating the group membership of each row in DATA |
method |
An optional list indicating whether the results for a principle component analysis, 'PCA', or linear discriminant analysis, 'LDA' should be performed. |
Outputs a list with values and plots for each test listed in method.
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) Loadings(Nuclei, Groups, method=c("PCA", "LDA"))
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) Loadings(Nuclei, Groups, method=c("PCA", "LDA"))
This function creates a pairwise comparison matrix for n groups. All possible pairwise combinations are created, with rows in the matrix equal to the desired comparison.
ng |
A single number indicating the total number of unique groups |
Returns a matrix with two columns and ng choose 2 rows.
makeCompMat(3) makeCompMat(4) data(Groups) NGroups<-length(unique(Groups)) makeCompMat(NGroups)
makeCompMat(3) makeCompMat(4) data(Groups) NGroups<-length(unique(Groups)) makeCompMat(NGroups)
This function rescales the columns in a data matrix to have mean 0. The variance is not scaled and missing values are ignored in the calculation.
A (non-empty) matrix with data values. Columns should be different traits and rows unique observations of those traits |
Returns a matrix with the same dimensions as DATA.
data(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei, na.rm=TRUE) Nuclei.MC<-MeanCent(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei.MC, na.rm=TRUE)
data(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei, na.rm=TRUE) Nuclei.MC<-MeanCent(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei.MC, na.rm=TRUE)
The activity in 14 brain nuclei were measured in rats that were in one of four groups: 1) Non-stressed, Control 2) Stressed, Control 3) Non-stressed, Vinclozolin 4) Stressed, Vinclozolin
A numeric matrix with 71 individuals as rows and the activity of 14 brain nuclei as columns. NAs indicate missing data.
Two different cohorts of male rats of the F3 generation of Vinclozolin (Vinclozolin-Lineage) and Vehicle Control (Control-Lineage) Lineages produced at Washington State University are shipped to the University of Texas on the day after weaning. Rats are randomly pair-housed (one Control-Lineage and one Vinclozolin-Lineage animal) and remain in these dyads throughout the duration of the study. Half of the dyads are randomly chosen to receive chronic restraint stress (CRS) treatment for 6 hours daily for 21 consecutive days commencing 1 hr after lights off. Activity in 14 brain nuclei were measured at the end of the study.
The data are provided courtesy of David Crews at the University of Texas at Austin.
Crews, D, R Gillette, SV Scarpino, M Manikkam, MI Savenkova, MK Skinner. 2012. Epigenetic Transgenerational Alterations to Stress Response in Brain Gene Networks and Behavior. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109 (23). 9143 - 9148.
This is an internal function used in FSelect. It can only be used for two groups. The partial F statistic is the additional contribution to the model from adding one more trait.
partialF(m.lda, GROUP, T_pm1)
partialF(m.lda, GROUP, T_pm1)
m.lda |
An object of class 'lda' |
A factor vector indicating group membership |
T_pm1 |
The F statistic calculated for a discriminant analysis with only the most informative trait. |
Returns a partial F statistic
Habbema J, Hermans J (1977). Selection of Variables in Discriminant Analysis by F-Statistics and Error Rate. Technometrics, 19(4), 487 - 493.
#Internal function used in FSelect data(Nuclei) data(Groups) NPC<-floor(ncol(Nuclei)/5) DAT.comp<-completeData(Nuclei, n_pcs = NPC) Groups.use<-c(1,2) use.DAT<-which(Groups==Groups.use[1]|Groups==Groups.use[2]) DAT.use<-Nuclei[use.DAT,] GR.use<-Groups[use.DAT] traitA<-2 mlda<-MASS::lda(GR.use~DAT.use[,traitA]) F1<-partialF(mlda,GR.use,0) traitB<-1 mlda2<-MASS::lda(GR.use~DAT.use[,c(traitA,traitB)]) partialF(mlda2,GR.use,F1)
#Internal function used in FSelect data(Nuclei) data(Groups) NPC<-floor(ncol(Nuclei)/5) DAT.comp<-completeData(Nuclei, n_pcs = NPC) Groups.use<-c(1,2) use.DAT<-which(Groups==Groups.use[1]|Groups==Groups.use[2]) DAT.use<-Nuclei[use.DAT,] GR.use<-Groups[use.DAT] traitA<-2 mlda<-MASS::lda(GR.use~DAT.use[,traitA]) F1<-partialF(mlda,GR.use,0) traitB<-1 mlda2<-MASS::lda(GR.use~DAT.use[,c(traitA,traitB)]) partialF(mlda2,GR.use,F1)
This function rescales the columns in a data matrix to the percent of the maximum observed value. The variance is not scaled and missing values are ignored in the calculation.
A (non-empty) matrix with data values. Columns should be different traits and rows unique observations of those traits |
Returns a matrix with the same dimensions as DATA.
data(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei, na.rm=TRUE) Nuclei.PM<-PercentMax(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei.PM, na.rm=TRUE)
data(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei, na.rm=TRUE) Nuclei.PM<-PercentMax(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei.PM, na.rm=TRUE)
The function calculates the multivariate distance between two groups across all traits and determines whether they differ signifcantly using a Monte Carlo randomization test. The Monte Carlo randomization creates a null distribution by randomizing the residual deviation from the group mean across all individuals. This method controls for heteroscedasticity and was designed by Collyer and Adams (2007) for use in analyzing data sets that have sparse groups sizes relative to the number of traits.
PermuteLDA(Data, Groups, NPerm, Missing.Data = "Complete")
PermuteLDA(Data, Groups, NPerm, Missing.Data = "Complete")
Data |
A (non-empty), numeric matrix of data values |
Groups |
A (non-empty), vector indicating group membership. |
NPerm |
The number of permutations used to generate the null distribution. The default is 100. |
Missing.Data |
The method used to handle missing data. The default, 'Complete' will use CompleteData to impute missing data, setting Missing.Data='Remove' will remove all individuals with missing data. FSelect cannot handle missing data. |
Determining the statistical significance of a discriminate function analysis along with performing that analysis on sparse data sets, e.g. many traits observed on comparatively few individuals, is a challenge. Collyer and Adams (2007) developed a Monte Carlo based algorithm for addressing both of those issues. Briefly, the test uses the underlying Var/Cov structure of the data and randomizes the group membership to calculate a null distribution. This test simultaneously controls for heteroscedasticity, a common problem in sparse data sets and allows the approximation of a p-value for the test. For the original implementation and formulation of the method see Collyer and Adams (2007) or http://www.public.iastate. edu/~dcadams/software.html. Unlike the FSelect implementation, PermuteLDA will work properly with an arbitrary number of groups. The time required to run the algorithm is non-linear in the number of groups.
Returns a data frame with four columns and the number of groups choose 2 rows. Each row is a pairwise comparison between groups. The column 'Pr' is the p value to reject the null hypothesis of no difference (a value in 'Pr' < 0.05 would result in rejecting the hypothesis that the two groups are not different. The column 'Distance' is the multivariate distance between the two groups.
Collyer M, Adams D (2007). Analysis of Two - State Multivariate Phenotypic Change in Ecological Studies. Ecology, 88(3), 683 - 692.
For an implementation of the original method coded in R see http://www.public.iastate. edu/~dcadams/software.html.
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) PermuteLDA(Nuclei,Groups,50)
data(Nuclei) data(Groups) PermuteLDA(Nuclei,Groups,50)
A function to plot the results of a binomPower run.
datPlotBig |
a (non-empty) matrix of data values, with columns trueTau, ndads, trueTau2 |
params |
a (non-empty) matrix of parameter values, with columns mm and vv. |
Returns a list of two plots of the binomPower analysis results.
#not run
#not run
Methods are implemented to compute the statistical power, in terms of the type II error rate, based on anticipated sample and effect sizes for FSelect() and PermuteLDA(). By default the power of both tests are determined by iterating over a range of effect and sample sizes. The default settings were selected to be representative of many behavioral genetic studies; however, users can input alternative sample and effect sizes. For high values of trials this function can be very slow.
Power(func = "PermuteLDA", N = "DEFAULT.N", effect.size = "DEFAULT.e", trials = 100)
Power(func = "PermuteLDA", N = "DEFAULT.N", effect.size = "DEFAULT.e", trials = 100)
func |
A character string indicating which function to compute the power for, can be either 'PermuteLDA' or 'FSelect' |
N |
A (non-empty) vector of group sizes. The lenght of N must be greater than 1 and tha minimum group size for 'FSelect' can not be less than 6. The size of each group is N/2. |
effect.size |
A (non-empty) vector or single value of effect sizes. |
trials |
A number indicating the number of trials for each combination of N and effect.size to calculate the power. |
The algorithm for the power analysis proceeds as follows: 1. Input sample and effect sizes 2. Set the number of significant effects, e to 0. Note - Total number of traits is fixed at 6 3. Draw random deviates for the given sample size for 6 traits. Note - All traits not significant under this iteration are drawn from a N(0,1) distribution. 4. Perform either FSelect() or PermuteLDA() and record the results. 5. Return to step 3 N times, recording the results each time. Note - N is set using the trials input 6. If e<5 return to step 2 and set the number of significant effects to e+1 7. Proceed to the next combination of sample and effect size. 8. Output the results for each combination of sample and effect size as a function of the number of significant traits.
Outputs a list with plots and results for each effect size.
#not run #Power(func = 'FSelect', N=c(6,8), effect.size=0.5, trials = 2)
#not run #Power(func = 'FSelect', N=c(6,8), effect.size=0.5, trials = 2)
Performs a probabilistic principle component analysis using the function 'pca' in the package'pcaMethods'
PPCA(Data, nPCs=4, CENTER=TRUE, SCALE='vector')
PPCA(Data, nPCs=4, CENTER=TRUE, SCALE='vector')
Data |
A (non-empty), numeric matrix of data values |
nPCs |
The number of resulting principle component axes. nPCs must be less than or equal to the number of columns in Data. |
A logical statement indicating whether data should be centered to mean 0, TRUE, or not, FALSE. |
A character string indicating which method should be used to scale the variances. The default setting is 'vector.' |
In PPCA an Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is used to fit a Gaussian latent variable model ( Tippping and Bishop (1999)). A latent variable model seeks to relate an observed vector of data to a lower dimensional vector of latent (or unobserved) variables, an approach similar to a factor analysis. Our implementation is a wrapper around the pcaMethods functions ppca and svdimpute (Stacklies et al. (2007)) and is included mainly for convience. The method used in pca was adapted from Roweis (1997) and a Matlab script developed by Jakob Verbeek.
Returns an object of class 'pcaRes.' See documentation in the package code pcaMethods
Roweis S (1997). EM algorithms for PCA and sensible PCA. Neural Inf. Proc. Syst., 10, 626 - 632.
Stacklies W, Redestig H, Scholz M, Walther D, Selbig J (2007). pcaMethods - a Bioconductor package providing PCA methods for incomplete data. Bioinformatics, 23, 1164 - 1167.
Tippping M, Bishop C (1999). Probabilistic Principle Componenet Analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology), 61(3), 611 - 622.
data(Nuclei) PPCA1<-PPCA(Nuclei, nPCs=2, CENTER=TRUE, SCALE='vector') Scores1<-PPCA1@scores
data(Nuclei) PPCA1<-PPCA(Nuclei, nPCs=2, CENTER=TRUE, SCALE='vector') Scores1<-PPCA1@scores
Principle component scores were computed using PPCA for the data set Nuclei.
A numeric matrix with 4 columns and the same number of rows as Nuclei. There are no missing values.
The data are provided courtesy of David Crews at the University of Texas at Austin.
Crews, D, R Gillette, SV Scarpino, M Manikkam, MI Savenkova, MK Skinner. 2012. Epigenetic Transgenerational Alterations to Stress Response in Brain Gene Networks and Behavior. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109 (23). 9143 - 9148.
data(Scores) data(Nuclei) SCORES<-PPCA(Nuclei)@scores
data(Scores) data(Nuclei) SCORES<-PPCA(Nuclei)@scores
An internal function of binomPower, which actually calculates the p value.
ndads |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of dads. |
mm |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the mean number of offspring per dad per bin (normal dist). mm must be less than vv. |
vv |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the variance in offspring per dad per bin (normal dist). vv must be great than mm. |
tau2 |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the dad effect (narrow-sense heritability ~ tau2/(tau2+(pi/sqrt(3))^2)). |
nperms |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of bootstrap permutations to use for caluclating a p value. |
nbins |
a (non-empty) numeric value indicating the number of bins, data are pooled before analysis. |
Returns a p value for a given set of conditions over a specificed number of bootstrap permutations.
#not run
#not run
This function converts the columns in a data matrix into z-scores. The score is computed by subracting each observation in a column from the column mean and divding by the column standard deviation. Each column is converted independently of the others missing values are ignored in the calculation.
A (non-empty) matrix with data values. Columns should be different traits and rows unique observations of those traits |
Returns a matrix with the same dimensions as DATA.
data(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei, na.rm=TRUE) Nuclei.ZT<-ZTrans(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei.ZT, na.rm=TRUE)
data(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei, na.rm=TRUE) Nuclei.ZT<-ZTrans(Nuclei) colMeans(Nuclei.ZT, na.rm=TRUE)